The best way to show your business to the world
What's your elevator pitch?
You only have a few precious moments to convey who you are, what you do, who you do it for, and why you’re the right fit for that person or business. So nailing your pitch to get your message across is essential so make sure it is in front and center on your homepage.
We spend the time focusing on your core marketing message and ensure the layout and imagery along with the initial two sentences of your website copy are clear and present your brand with a memorable impact. There’s a lot to communicate in very little time so lets get to it.
Mobile Friendliness
An increasing number of people on the internet at any given moment are using a smartphone or tablet. Tablet users are engaging at higher rates than desktop users. So your website needs to be not just viewable, but optimised for mobile devices.
Responsive design insures that no matter what device someone uses, your website delivers content in the most effective way. For complex website designs, custom mobile design may be necessary, however in no instance should mobile visitors be left with the standard desktop version. Desktop websites are awkward on mobile devices making it difficult to navigate menus, click links and find what users are searching for. Your website designer will be able to advise you as to whether responsive or a mobile site would be best for your particular situation.
Animated Layers
Want cool awesome eye catching effects we can show you some animated layer effects that will make your website stylish and very engaging.